As at 01.01.25

May change without notification




We have put our terms and conditions in place in an effort to be fair to everyone.

All prospective students must accept the following terms to enrol at The Learning Lounge.

1. RESCHEDULED LESSONS – As free spaces are rare, students are offered ONE rescheduled lesson per term – TIME PERMITTING. To be offered this benefit students must give 24 hours notice to RECEPTION ONLY (not the teacher). We strongly encourage notice be given WELL IN ADVANCE. If a lesson cannot be rescheduled due to lack of timeslots or an insufficient amount of notice time given, it is forfeited, so PLEASE advise Reception ASAP of an absence and no later than week 6 of Term.
- Late Notice is considered to be under 24hrs notice of absence and in this case a rescheduled lesson may not offered. No Notice of an absence results in no rescheduled lesson.
Rescheduling for illness or extenuating circumstances is solely at the discretion of the Teacher (24hr notice reschedules have priority over any extenuating circumstance cancellations)
- Your rescheduled lesson must be attended in the same Term in which it was cancelled. Missed or un-rescheduled lessons don’t accrue or roll over to another term. If the reschedule times offered to you are continually declined or rescheduled then cancelled by you, the lesson will be forfeited.

2. ALL STUDENTS are ENROLLED for a FULL PUBLIC SCHOOL TERM - or the remainder thereof if commencing after week one. Students pulling out halfway through a Term may not be re-enrolled in the future and term fees may also not be refunded. If a student cannot commit to payment and attendance of a FULL public school Term, enrolment may not be offered.

3. PAYMENTS – Fees are to be paid in full in advance and by the “Due By Date” on your invoice handed to the student at the first lesson of Term.
- The Teachers do not accept “one off” payments or “pay as you go”.
- Unfortunately continued late payments may result in lessons being suspended until fees are paid and a late fee may be charged.

4. DEPOSITS – If you are re-enrolling & want to ensure your current timeslot is held for the entire next term, a non-refundable deposit must be paid before close of business of the current Term. If no deposit is paid, then your timeslot may be offered to another student for the following term. Please understand a deposit is part payment for the full term and a gesture in good faith to your teacher that you will attend the next term in full i.e. the deposit is not only paying for a lesson - it is also to hold your lesson time for the next FULL TERM.

5. TERM DATES – Term dates coincide with the Public School Calendar only &WE ARE OPEN ON PUPIL FREE DAYS!!

6. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS – We are closed. Lessons that fall on a Public Holiday are not charged.

7. IF YOUR TEACHER CANCELS – A substitute teacher will be made available to you. You may or may not be notified of this. If a substitute teacher cannot be arranged, then we will try to reschedule during the term, credit a lesson to the following term or give you a refund.

8. CANCELLATION OF LESSONS – Lessons may be cancelled at the Teachers discretion for the following reasons: a student is intoxicated by illegal substances or alcohol; a student is rude or abusive to Teachers, Administration staff or other students; a student’s attendance is extremely poor; if fees remain outstanding. Please note that if staff notice any student on the premises under the influence of drugs or alcohol, their Teacher will cancel the lesson. The cancelled lesson will be charged and where applicable, a parent will be notified.

9. PARENTS IN LESSONS -. Our teachers conduct one-on-one lessons therefore it is generally expected that parents will not sit in on lessons after the first couple of weeks. Teachers are however always willing to chat to parents in the last 5 minutes of a lesson regarding progress and practice. Only under special circumstance will a teacher allow a parent to sit in on the whole lesson for the entire term. Please discuss this directly with the teacher. (Email is the teacher's preferred method of communication and then only when discussing lesson material, practice and progress and special needs. Discussions re fees, cancellations and attendance must go through reception)

10. EXAMS - It is not assumed you want to study for exams but if so, that is to be arranged early on between the teacher and the student/parent. The Learning Lounge administration staff handle attendance & lesson payments only.

If you would like more information or would like to enquire about enrollment then please contact us on 9488-9970 during business hours or use our "contact us" page to email us.

We appreciate your understanding of the above terms.

Teachers and Management of The Learning Lounge.











page last updated Sept 25th 2023
Site Designed By Rohan Simpson