About Us-

26 years ago The Learning Lounge was established with 9 teachers and we are as passionate now as we were then to bring the joy of music to as many people of any age as possible!!!

Conveniently located opposite the train station and bus stop at Turramurra, The Learning Lounge now provides it's services with 8 one-on-one teaching rooms 5 days a week to some 200 students a week.

Opening Hours are from 2.00pm til 9.00pm Monday to Thursday and from 2.00pm til 7.00pm Friday. We have a staffed reception area offering a safe and comfortable place for students to wait for pickup and for parents to relax while waiting. Our hours also allow for early drop off of instruments.

ALL ages and levels of ability are welcome to tuition on a variety of instruments. The teachers have completed ‘The Working With Children Check' declaration required of Teaching Business Owners by the Dept. Of Education NSW and are undergoing the mandatory police check for working with children.

Unique and comprehensive teaching strategies offered by our teachers ensures our students have a way to learn music with the objective of keeping them motivated and enthusiastic. Whether students are in a band (school operated or outside of school) or are learning for fun the teachers can help them explore and develop their musical talent.

Rock School and AMEB exams are also available (not all teachers offer this service) Students wanting to do their grades and sit exams are welcome to arrange this directly through their teacher. Please only advise the teacher of your requirements when enrolling for xams as admin staff have nothing to do with exams and lessons.

Terms and Conditions at The Learning Lounge used by the Teachers operating their own businesses are set out on the Terms & Conditions page. (click here) We hope you understand when we ask that you read and accept the Teacher's Terms & Conditions before enrolling for lessons at The Learning Lounge.

Parents are without a doubt the strongest and most integral part of a childs musical learning experience. It is both an outlay of YOUR MONEY and TIME. Please read our Parent's Page (click here) for a more indepth view of what music lessons are all about and how to get a great return on your investment.

More information re enrollment, times available etc. is availabe by contacting us on 9488-9970 during business hours or you can use our "contact us" page to email us.

Thanks for visiting us.

Mike Gordon

In Summary - Some key things about us...

* We are a family run, community oriented business

* We have a customer rewards program (not applicable to family members)

* We are in our 26th year of operating

* We have 14 qualified, creative teachers

* We have 8 teaching rooms

* We have over 200 students weeky

* We have given over 380,000 individual one on one lessons

* We are a 30 second walk from buses, Taxis and Turramurra train station

* We have a friendly fun atmosphere

* We offer exams (please inquire when enrolling)

* We have a comfortable waiting area for parents and students

* We have Eftpos/credit card & direct deposit facilities

* We offer a one off paid (not free) trial lesson before you commit to a Term of lessons.

* We hold an annual Student Concert for our budding young musicians. It's a fantastic event!

* We support local school fundraising




(Click Here For More Photos)

page last updated Jan 13th 2024
Site Designed By Rohan Simpson ©